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Penny Marie

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Penny Marie #260503
Length 74 feet - Breadth 20 feet - Twin screw towboat
Built 1950 by St. Louis Shipbuilding & Steel Co., St. Louis, MO.

(Additional Information Below Picture)
Last Updated at 8:52 on Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Copyright Photo by Jeff L. Yates - Thanks, Jeff!
On The Ohio At New Johnsonville, TN, 7/2012

                     (7 of 7)               

Originally single screw, rebuilt to twin screw 1966.
Cat D353TA diesels, repowered 1966, 860 hp. Cat red. 4.09:1.
Originally Eddie E, owned by
Igert, Inc., Paducah, KY.
Sold to New Johnsonville Marine Service, Inc., New Johnsonville, TN,
renamed Tina Marie 5/1987;
renamed Penny Marie 5/1990.


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Except where otherwise credited,
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Copyright Richard E. Dunbar 1991-2021
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