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Bette-Lynn #272950
Length 51 feet - Breadth 23 feet - Twin screw towboat
Built 1957 by Mobile Ship Repair Co., Mobile, AL.

(Additional Information Below Picture)
Last Updated at 8:48 on Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Copyright Photo by Tim & Lori Powell - Thanks, Tim & Lori!
On The UMR At Burlington, IA, 5/2008

                     (5 of 13)               

Cummins NTA855 diesels, repowered 1988, 800 hp.
Originally Lucy R, owned by
Bay Towing & Dredging Co., Mobile, AL.
Sold to Radcliff Materials, Inc., Mobile, AL 1961.
Sold to Dudley H. Arnold, Kenner, LA 2/1962.
Sold to Carol-Lynn, Inc., Westwego, LA,
renamed Carol-Lynn 7/1973.
Sold to P‐D Harbor Service Co., Argyle, IA,
renamed Bette-Lynn 10/1976.
Sold to L. W. Matteson, Inc., Burlington, IA 3/1985.
Sold to Matteson Marine Service, Inc., Burlington, IA 3/1996.


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Except where otherwise credited,
all photographs on this site are
Copyright Richard E. Dunbar 1991-2021
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